Buy Levonorgestrel Ethinyl

Buy Levonorgestrel Ethinyl without Prescription

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl (Alesse) Description

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl is a medicine which helps to control and regulate the menstrual period of women and prevents the pregnancy. Levonorgestrel Ethinyl works by protecting the ovary from the egg release and preventing the uterus from the sperm.

Generic name of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl is Ethinyl Estradiol and Norgestrel.

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl is also known as Levonorgestrel, Ethinyl estradiol, Ovral L.

Brand names of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl are Levonorgestrel Ethinyl, Trivora, Levora, Aviane, Levlen, Trivora-28, Levlite, Nordette, Portia,Triphasil, Tri-Levlen, Triphasil-28, Seasonale, Ovral, Mircette.

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl doesn't protect you and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases (HIV and the others).

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl (Alesse) Dosage

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl is available in:

  • 0.10mg + 0.02mg Low Dosage
  • 0.15mg + 0.03mg Standard Dosage

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl is available in tablets which should be taken orally.

Tablets should not be crushed or chewed. Swallow the tablet whole with water.

It would be better to take Levonorgestrel Ethinyl at the same time every day.

Take one tablet a day with food or after the meal.

The cycle of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl using takes 28 days. You should start the cycle of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl according to its package directions (on the first day of your menstrual period or on the first Sunday of your menstrual period). After the last tablet you should begin with the next package of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl on the next day. During the first 3 months of taking Levonorgestrel Ethinyl you can experience some bleeding.

If you want to achieve most effective results do not stop taking Levonorgestrel Ethinyl suddenly.

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl (Alesse) Missing of dose

Do not take double dose. If you miss a dose you should take it as soon as you remember about your missing. If it is the time for the next dose you should continue your regular dosing schedule.

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl (Alesse) Overdose

If you overdose Levonorgestrel Ethinyl and you don't feel good you should visit your doctor or health care provider immediately. Symptoms of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl overdosage: unusual vaginal bleeding, feeling drowsy, vomiting, extreme tiredness, nausea.

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl (Alesse) Storage

Store at room temperature between 15 and 30 degrees C (59 and 86 degrees F). Keep container tightly closed. Throw away any unused medicine after the expiration date. Keep out of the reach of children.

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl (Alesse) Side effects

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl has its side effects. The most common are:

  • migraine
  • lightheadedness
  • vomiting
  • scalp hair loss
  • pain of the breast
  • nausea
  • vaginal itching
  • increasing of hair growth
  • stomach cramps
  • weight changes
  • problems with menstrual period
  • dark face
  • appetite changes
  • tiredness
  • problems with sexual life
  • nervousness
  • contact lenses problems

Less common but more serious side effects during taking Levonorgestrel Ethinyl:

  • allergy reactions (urticaria, breathing difficulties, rash, and eruption)
  • stomach pain
  • yellowing eyes or skin
  • breast lump
  • problems with vision
  • chest pain
  • problems with appetite
  • sudden numbness
  • clay-colored stools
  • sudden weakness
  • dark urine
  • depression
  • sudden migraine
  • sweating
  • confusion
  • problems with speech
  • pain which spreads to the shoulder or arm
  • problems with balance

Side effects manifestations are not only depend on medicine you are taking but also depend on your health state and on the other factors.

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl (Alesse) Contra-indications

Do not take Levonorgestrel Ethinyl if you are allergic to Levonorgestrel Ethinyl components.

Do not take Levonorgestrel Ethinyl if you're pregnant or you plan to have a baby, or you are a nursing mother.

Do not take Levonorgestrel Ethinyl if you suffer from or have a history of jaundice; liver disease; stroke; breast, liver or uterine cancer; unusual vaginal bleeding; blood clot; heart valve disorder; problem with circulation; severe high blood pressure.

Do not smoke cigarettes while taking Levonorgestrel Ethinyl because it can cause heart attack, stroke or blood clots.

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. So, try to protect your skin.

Be careful with Generic Levonorgestrel Ethinyl if you are taking antibiotics (amoxicillin (such as Augmentin), ampicillin (such as Omnipen), doxycycline (such as Vibramycin, Doryx), griseofulvin (such as Grifulvin V, Fulvicin PG, Grisactin), minocycline (such as Minocin), penicillin (such as Bicillin, Veetids, Pen Vee K), rifampin (such as Rifadin), rifabutin (such as Mycobutin), tetracycline (such as Robitet, Sumycin, Achromycin)); barbiturate (amobarbital (such as Amytal), butabarbital (such as Butisol), mephobarbital (such as Mebaral), secobarbital (such as Seconal) or phenobarbital (such as Solfoton, Luminal)); ascorbic acid (such as vitamin C) or acetaminophen (such as Tylenol); HIV medicines (amprenavir (such as Agenerase), atazanavir (such as Reyataz), tipranavir (such as Aptivus), indinavir (such as Crixivan), saquinavir (such as Invirase), ritonavir (such as Kaletra), fosamprenavir (such as Lexiva), ritonavir (such as Norvir) or nelfinavir (such as Viracept)); phenylbutazone (such as Butazolidin, Azolid); seizure medicines (phenytoin (such as Dilantin), carbamazepine (such as Tegretol), felbamate (such as Felbatol), oxcarbazepine (such as Trileptal), topiramate (such as Topamax), or primidone (such as Mysoline)); St. John's wort.

Be careful with Levonorgestrel Ethinyl if you suffer from or have a history of asthma; chest pain; heart, gallbladder or fibrocystic breast diseases; irregular menstrual periods; high blood pressure; high cholesterol; lumps; nodules; congestive heart failure; diabetes; heart attack; epilepsy; depression.

Be careful with Levonorgestrel Ethinyl if you are going to have a surgery (dental or other).

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl doesn't protect you and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases (HIV and the others). Keep Levonorgestrel Ethinyl away from children and don't give it to other people for using.

Do not stop taking Levonorgestrel Ethinyl suddenly.

Levonorgestrel Ethinyl (Alesse) Frequently asked questions

Q: Can I smoke while taking Levonorgestrel Ethinyl?

A: Do not smoke cigarettes while taking Levonorgestrel Ethinyl because it can cause heart attack, stroke or blood clots.

Q: What should I do if I miss a dose or overdose?

A: If you miss a dose you should take it as soon as you remember it. If it is the time for the next dose you should just continue your regular dosing schedule. Do not take double dose. If you overdose Levonorgestrel Ethinyl, you should just visit you doctor or health care provider immediately.

Q: What is the generic name of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl?

A: The generic name of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl is ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel.

Q: How does Levonorgestrel Ethinyl work?

A: Levonorgestrel Ethinyl works by protecting the ovary from the egg release and preventing the uterus from the sperm.

Q: What is Levonorgestrel Ethinyl?

A: Levonorgestrel Ethinyl is an oral contraceptive which is used to prevent the pregnancy. Levonorgestrel Ethinyl also regulates the menstrual period and can treat acne or any other women's problems which are connected with hormones.

Q: What is the brand name of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl?

A: The brand names of Levonorgestrel Ethinyl are Levonorgestrel Ethinyl, Trivora, Levora, Aviane, Levlen, Trivora-28, Levlite, Nordette, Portia,Triphasil, Tri-Levlen, Triphasil-28, Seasonale, Ovral, Mircette.

Q: Does Levonorgestrel Ethinyl protect from sexually transmitted diseases?

A: Levonorgestrel Ethinyl doesn't protect you and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases (HIV and the others).

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