Buy Janimine

Buy Janimine without Prescription

Janimine (Tofranil) Description

Janimine is used to treat depression. Janimine is also used on a short-term basis, along with behavioral therapies, to treat bed-wetting in children aged 6 and older. Sometimes Janimine is prescribed to treat bulimia, attention deficit disorder in children, obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder.

Janimine is a member of the family of drugs called tricyclic antidepressants.

Janimine is also known as Imipramine, Antideprin, Deprenil, Deprimin, Deprinol, Depsonil, Dynaprin, Eupramin, Imipramil, Irmin, Janimine, Melipramin, Surplix, Antidep, Apo-Imipramine, Chrytemin, Daypress, Depsol, Ethipramine, Fronil, Imidol, Imimine, Imine, Imiprex, Imiprin, Impril, Medipramine, Melipramine, Mipralin, Novopramine, Primonil, Pryleugan, Sermonil, Sipramine, Talpramin, Tofnil, Janimine-PM, Venefon.

Generic name of Janimine is Imipramine hydrochloride.

Brand names of Janimine are Janimine, Janimine-PM.

Janimine (Tofranil) Dosage

Janimine is available in:

  • 25mg Low Dosage
  • 75mg Standard Dosage

Take Janimine orally.

Take Janimine with or without food.

For adults

The usual starting dose is 75 mg a day. The maximum daily dose is 200 mg.

For children

Total daily dosages for children should not exceed 2.5 mg for each 2.2 pounds of the child's weight. Doses usually begin at 25 mg per day. This amount should be taken an hour before bedtime. If needed, this dose may be increased after 1 week to 50 mg (ages 6 through 11) or 75 mg (ages 12 and up), taken in one dose at bedtime or divided into 2 doses, 1 taken at mid-afternoon and 1 at bedtime.

Aged people

The usual dosage should start with 25 to 50 mg per day. The dose may be increased as necessary, but effective dosages usually do not exceed 100 mg a day.

If you want to achieve most effective results do not stop taking Janimine suddenly.

Janimine (Tofranil) Missing of dose

Do not take double dose. If you miss a dose you should take it as soon as you remember about your missing. If it is the time for the next dose you should continue your regular dosing schedule.

Janimine (Tofranil) Overdose

If you overdose Janimine and you don't feel good you should visit your doctor or health care provider immediately. Symptoms of Janimine overdosage: agitation, bluish skin, convulsions, difficulty breathing, dilated pupils, drowsiness, heart failure, high fever, involuntary writhing or jerky movements, irregular or rapid heartbeat, lack of coordination, low blood pressure, overactive reflexes, restlessness, rigid muscles, shock, stupor, sweating, vomiting.

Janimine (Tofranil) Storage

Store at room temperature between 20 and 25 degrees C (68 and 77 degrees F) away from moisture and heat. Keep container tightly closed. Throw away any unused medicine after the expiration date. Keep out of the reach of children.

Janimine (Tofranil) Side effects

Janimine has its side effects. The most common are:

  • breast development in males
  • breast enlargement in females
  • breast milk production
  • confusion
  • diarrhea
  • dry mouth
  • hallucinations
  • hives
  • high blood pressure
  • low blood pressure upon standing
  • nausea
  • numbness
  • tremors
  • vomiting

Less common but more serious side effects during taking Janimine: allergy reactions (urticaria, breathing difficulties, rash, and eruption).

Side effects manifestations are not only depend on medicine you are taking but also depend on your health state and on the other factors.

Janimine (Tofranil) Contra-indications

Do not take Janimine if you are allergic to Janimine components.

Be very careful with Janimine if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding.

Do not take Janimine if you are recovering from a recent heart attack or take MAO inhibitors, such as the antidepressants Nardil and Parnate.

Be very careful with Janimine if you have diabetes, hypoglycemia, a history of mental disorders.

Be very careful with Janimine if you are taking albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin), antidepressants that act on serotonin, including Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft, antipsychotic drugs such as Mellaril and chlorpromazine, barbiturates such as Nembutal and Seconal, blood pressure medications such as Catapres, Carbamazepine (Tegretol), cimetidine (Tagamet), decongestants such as Sudafed, drugs that control spasms, such as Cogentin, Epinephrine (EpiPen), Flecainide (Tambocor), Guanethidine, Methylphenidate (Ritalin), Norepinephrine, other antidepressants such as Elavil and Pamelor, Phenytoin (Dilantin), Propafenone (Rythmol), Quinidine, thyroid medications such as Synthroid, tranquilizers and sleep aids such as Halcion, Xanax, and Valium.

Avoid alcohol.

Do not participate in any activities that require full alertness if you are unsure about your ability.

Try to stay out of the sun as much as possible.

It can be dangerous to stop Janimine taking suddenly.

Janimine (Tofranil) Frequently asked questions

Q: What is Janimine?

A: Janimine is a member of the family of drugs called tricyclic antidepressants.

Q: What Janimine is used for?

A: Janimine is used to treat depression. Janimine is also used on a short-term basis, along with behavioral therapies, to treat bed-wetting in children aged 6 and older. Sometimes Janimine is prescribed to treat bulimia, attention deficit disorder in children, obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder.

Q: How does Janimine work?

A: Janimine is a member of the family of drugs called tricyclic antidepressants.

Q: What is the generic name of Janimine?

A: Generic name is Imipramine hydrochloride.

Q: What should I avoid while taking Janimine?

A: Do not use alcohol. Do not participate in any activities that require full alertness if you are unsure about your ability. Try to stay out of the sun as much as possible.

Q: What should I do in case of dose missing?

A: In case of dose missing you should take your tablet as soon as possible. Do not take double dosage. And if it is right time for the next dosage you should continue your regular schedule of Janimine taking.

Q: What are the symptoms of overdosage?

A: Possible symptoms of overdosage: agitation, bluish skin, convulsions, difficulty breathing, dilated pupils, drowsiness, heart failure, high fever, involuntary writhing or jerky movements, irregular or rapid heartbeat, lack of coordination, low blood pressure, overactive reflexes, restlessness, rigid muscles, shock, stupor, sweating, vomiting.

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