Buy Digoxanova

Buy Digoxanova without Prescription

Digoxanova (Lanoxin) Description

Digoxanova target is struggle against certain types of fast heartbeats such as atrial fibrillation or fluttering arrhythmia and heart failure. It is also treats angina. This drug can also be used after heart attack. The effectiveness of Digoxanova is in keeping the heart rhythm under control and to make heart work better (regularly and strongly). It is cardiac (or digitalis) glycosides.

Generic name of Digoxanova is Digoxin.

Digoxanova is also known as Digoxin, Digitalis, Digitek, Lanoxicaps.

Brand names of Digoxanova are Lanoxicaps, Digoxanova, Cardoxin, Digitek, Digoxanova Elixir Pediatric.

Digoxanova (Lanoxin) Dosage

Digoxanova is available in:

  • 0.25mg Standard Dosage

Take Digoxanova tablets (0.25 mg), capsules and pediatric elixir (liquid) orally.

Elderly people (> 65 years) should take the lowest dose.

Take Digoxanova at the same time once a day with water.

Do not crush or chew it.

If you want to achieve most effective results do not stop taking Digoxanova suddenly.

Digoxanova (Lanoxin) Missing of dose

Do not take double dose. If you miss a dose you should take it as soon as you remember about your missing. If it is the time for the next dose you should continue your regular dosing schedule.

Digoxanova (Lanoxin) Overdose

If you overdose Digoxanova and you don't feel good you should visit your doctor or health care provider immediately. Symptoms of Digoxanova overdosage: confusion, irregular heartbeats, nausea, seizures, vomiting, extremely fast or slow heartbeats, hallucinations, tiredness, problems with vision, diarrhea, lack of appetite.

Digoxanova (Lanoxin) Storage

Store at room temperature between 15 and 30 degrees C (59 and 86 degrees F) away from moisture, light and heat. Throw away any unused medicine after the expiration date. Keep out of the reach of children.

Digoxanova (Lanoxin) Side effects

Digoxanova has its side effects. The most common are:

  • nausea
  • lack of appetite
  • weakness
  • abnormal problems
  • depression
  • with sexual activity
  • feeling drowsy
  • dizziness
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • tiredness

Less common but more serious side effects during taking Digoxanova:

  • allergy reactions (urticaria, breathing difficulties, rash, and eruption)
  • severe migraine
  • difficulties with breathing
  • extreme feeling drowsy
  • extreme dizziness
  • unusual behavior
  • abnormal weight gain
  • slow heartbeats (<60 beats a minute)
  • problems with vision changes
  • hallucinations
  • dyspepsia
  • faint
  • irregular heartbeats

Side effects manifestations are not only depend on medicine you are taking but also depend on your health state and on the other factors.

Digoxanova (Lanoxin) Contra-indications

Do not take Digoxanova if you are allergic to Digoxanova components.

Do not take Digoxanova if you're pregnant or you plan to have a baby, or you are a nursing mother.

Be careful with Digoxanova if you are taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine, herbal preparation, or dietary supplement.

Be careful with Digoxanova in case of taking medicines as a steroid medicine (prednisone (such as Deltasone), methylprednisolone (such as Medrol), prednisolone (such as Prelone, Pediapred), dexamethasone (such as Decadron)); a cancer chemotherapy drug; amphotericin B (such as Fungizone); indomethacin (such as Indocin); rifampin (such as Rifadin, Rimactane); cholestyramine (such as Questran, Prevalite) or colestipol (such as Colestid); a thyroid medication; a beta-blocker (atenolol (such as Tenormin), propranolol (such as Inderal), acebutolol (such as Sectral), metoprolol (such as Lopressor), carteolol (such as Cartrol), labetalol (such as Normodyne, Trandate) or nadolol (such as Corgard)); a diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide (such as HCTZ, HydroDiuril, others), chlorothiazide (such as Diuril), chlorthalidone (such as Hygroton, Thalitone), furosemide (such as Lasix), torsemide (such as Demadex), bumetanide (such as Bumex), ethacrynic acid (such as Edecrin), triamterene (such as Dyrenium, Maxzide, Dyazide), amiloride (such as Midamor), spironolactone (such as Aldactone), eplerenone (such as Inspra)); metoclopramide (such as Reglan); tetracycline (such as Broadspec, Emtet, Panmycin, Sumycin, Tetracap); erythromycin (such as E.E.S., E-Mycin, Eryc, Ery-Tab, PCE) or clarithromycin (such as Biaxin); sulfasalazine (such as Azulfidine); sulfasalazine (such as Azulfidine); another medicines for irregular heartbeats (quinidine (such as Quinidex, Quinora, Cardioquin), amiodarone (such as Cordarone) or propafenone (such as Rythmol)); itraconazole (such as Sporanox); a calcium channel blocker (diltiazem (such as Cardizem, Dilacor XR, Tiazac), amlodipine (such as Norvasc), felodipine (such as Plendil), nifedipine (such as Procardia, Adalat), verapamil (such as Verelan, Calan, Isoptin, Covera-HS)), an antacid or laxative that contains aluminum, magnesium or kaolin-pectin (such as Maalox, Rolaids, Mylanta, Milk of Magnesia).

Be careful with Digoxanova if you have allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances.

Be careful with Digoxanova if you suffer from or have a history of thyroid disease, cancer, kidney disease, heart arrhythmias.

Use Digoxanova with great care in case you want to undergo an operation (dental or any other).

Elderly people (> 65 years) should take the lowest dose.

Avoid alcohol.

Avoid machine driving.

Do not stop taking Digoxanova suddenly.

Digoxanova (Lanoxin) Frequently asked questions

Q: What is Digoxanova target?

A: The target of this qualitative remedy is struggle against certain types of fast heartbeats such as atrial fibrillation or fluttering arrhythmia and heart failure. It also treats angina. This drug can also be used after heart attack.

Q: What is the important Digoxanova information necessary to know?

A: Do not take Digoxanova in case of allergy to this medicine or to its ingredients. It is forbidden to take Digoxanova if you're pregnant or you plan to have a baby, or you are a nursing mother. Use Digoxanova with care if you are taking such medicines as a steroid medicine (prednisone (such as Deltasone), methylprednisolone (such as Medrol), prednisolone (such as Prelone, Pediapred), dexamethasone (such as Decadron)); a cancer chemotherapy drug; amphotericin B (such as Fungizone); indomethacin (such as Indocin); rifampin (such as Rifadin, Rimactane); cholestyramine (such as Questran, Prevalite) or colestipol (such as Colestid); a thyroid medication; a beta-blocker (atenolol (such as Tenormin), propranolol (such as Inderal), acebutolol (such as Sectral), metoprolol (such as Lopressor), carteolol (such as Cartrol), labetalol (such as Normodyne, Trandate) or nadolol (such as Corgard)); a diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide (such as HCTZ, HydroDiuril, others), chlorothiazide (such as Diuril), chlorthalidone (such as Hygroton, Thalitone), furosemide (such as Lasix), torsemide (such as Demadex), bumetanide (such as Bumex), ethacrynic acid (such as Edecrin), triamterene (such as Dyrenium, Maxzide, Dyazide), amiloride (such as Midamor), spironolactone (such as Aldactone), eplerenone (such as Inspra)); metoclopramide (such as Reglan); tetracycline (such as Broadspec, Emtet, Panmycin, Sumycin, Tetracap); erythromycin (such as E.E.S., E-Mycin, Eryc, Ery-Tab, PCE) or clarithromycin (such as Biaxin); sulfasalazine (such as Azulfidine); sulfasalazine (such as Azulfidine); another medicines for irregular heartbeats (quinidine (such as Quinidex, Quinora, Cardioquin), amiodarone (such as Cordarone) or propafenone (such as Rythmol)); itraconazole (such as Sporanox); a calcium channel blocker (diltiazem (such as Cardizem, Dilacor XR, Tiazac), amlodipine (such as Norvasc), felodipine (such as Plendil), nifedipine (such as Procardia, Adalat), verapamil (such as Verelan, Calan, Isoptin, Covera-HS)), an antacid or laxative that contains aluminum, magnesium or kaolin-pectin (such as Maalox, Rolaids, Mylanta, Milk of Magnesia). If you want to achieve most effective results do not stop taking Digoxanova suddenly. If you suffer from or have a history of thyroid disease, cancer, kidney disease, heart arrhythmias,be careful with Digoxanova. If you are going to have a surgery be careful with Digoxanova. Avoid driving or operating machinery.

Q: What are Digoxanova side effects?

A: Digoxanova has its common side effects such as: nausea, lack of appetite, weakness, abnormal problems depression, with sexual activity, feeling drowsy, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness. But in case of rejection of Digoxanova ingredients you can experience more serious side effects: severe migraine, difficulties with breathing, symptoms of allergy (swelling, hives),extreme feeling drowsy, extreme dizziness, unusual behavior, abnormal weight gain, slow heartbeats (<60 beats a minute),problems with vision changes, hallucinations, dyspepsia, faint, irregular heartbeats.

Q: What are generic and brand names of Digoxanova?

A: Generic name of Digoxanova is Digoxin. Brand names of Digoxanova are Lanoxicaps, Digoxanova, Cardoxin, Digitek, Digoxanova Elixir Pediatric.

Q: Is it possible to drink alcohol?

A: No, it is forbidden to drink alcohol.

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